photography books
Available Books

He Spoke of Fish
In this book, Neal Bringe shared an inspired journey of fishing. It is illustrated by his remarkable photographs of people fishing, colorful trout, alpine lakes, mountains, elk, bear, moose, bald eagles, wildflowers, and lesser-known aquatic insects in Colorado and Wyoming. Expect to gain wisdom from God’s Word in the adventure. Neal imagined that Solomon shared wisdom from God as he spoke about his experiences with fish (1 Kings 4:29, 33). As you page through the stories and photographs, you might feel that you were with Neal as he experienced kindness, generosity, counsel, and encouragement provided by the people he met. See the relevance of God’s Word to all that He did in each season of the year, by the glory of His grace. 438 color photos, 8.5 x 8.5-inch hardcover, 309 pgs.

Let The Fields Exult
The LORD reigns! That message inspired Neal to write and share this book of encouragement and hope. See Neal’s remarkable photographs of 193 wildflowers, 63 insects, and 18 animals in Colorado and Wyoming in this beautiful coffee table book (344 pages). Be encouraged to exult, rejoice, dance, sing, and tremble before the LORD. Enjoy the story of how Dr. Bringe’s own field was renewed each day with newly blooming wildflowers and associated creatures over several months. Your guests will enjoy paging through this book of meditations on God’s works and Word.

All Creatures Pour Out Speech
Read All Creatures Pour Out Speech to teach and renew precious truths about God and ourselves in Scripture. The truths come alive as Dr. Neal Bringe shares insightful connections between the testimonies of creatures and Scripture. He does this with his own remarkable photographs and experiences with domestic and wild animals.
Learn to see the abundant power, goodness and sovereignty of God as you meditate on His birds, beasts, beetles and fish. Imagine rejoicing in the Lord with the next generation as inspired by the examples of singing seagulls and crashing waves of the coastlands. Observe everyday examples of patience, peace and unceasing-praise. Notice that each creature’s testimony was made in God’s wisdom to declare His glory. Create a thirst to walk humbly with God, serving Him faithfully with all your hearts in Jesus. After you reflect on each page, expect to be encouraged to go on your own adventures outside to know God better.

Gardens Pour Out Speech
In Gardens Pour Out Speech, Dr. Neal Bringe praises God for His wonderful works associated with edible and botanical gardens, declaring His goodness and greatness. Includes 116 personal photographs and insights from scientific research that highlight connections between creation and Scripture as examples of the speech of the living God that pours out every day. Through this book, readers will learn how to disciple children using gardens and Scripture to help them to know God and walk humbly with Him.

Butterflies and Moths Pour Out Speech
What does God say to us through His creation of butterflies and moths? Dr. Bringe meditates on this question and highlights insights supported by God’s Word. He declares God’s wondrous works with 100 pictures and 50 Bible passages along with personal observations of awe and amazement that tie them together. The reader is encouraged to steward God’s creation and discover how it can help them and their children to know the truths of Scripture. The purpose is to know God and walk humbly with Him.