God is Doing Wonders, Let us use our Gifts
A moose calf is not too big to reassure with a nuzzling kiss. God, the Creator, is the source of affection.
A moose calf is not too big to reassure with a nuzzling kiss. God, the Creator, is the source of affection.
Dear God, We acknowledge that you are great, infinite in all your perfections. You give us all that we need for life and godliness. All that you made testifies to your wisdom. We delight in your grace. Do not forsake us until we proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come. In Jesus name, Amen.
See the long train-feathers that cover the tail of the peacock as a reminder of the train of the Lord’s robe as He sits on the throne, high and lifted up
Maybe you hope for new things in 2019. Here is a recent experience of how God can make all things new. The most interesting sight
God’s creation provides metaphors to help us to grasp concepts revealed in Scripture, making us wise. “Day to day pours out speech, and night to
In September, I hiked in the James Peak wilderness of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. A goal was to see God through His
The large numbers of Bison in Lamar Valley were a surprise and an encouragement. If people return to God with all their heart, with fasting
Lida and I saw fields exulting God in the mountains near Crested Butte and Aspen, Colorado. I wondered, why are there so many wildflowers in
The maker of the birds, knows all the birds. This is beyond human comprehension. However, it is for us to know as the Holy Spirit
In a song of praise, David reminds us to meditate on God’s works. “On your [my God and King] wondrous works, I will meditate” Psalm