Testimonies of wisdom
Know God
God breathed Incredible Icicles For This Time
When I saw icicles hanging from the roof of our barn, I ran back to the house to get my camera so I could share ...
March 22, 2020
Walk Humbly with God
Call to Holiness & Godliness Illustrated by Wildflowers
Recognizing our imperfections, we pursue godliness. Consider the transformation of a seed to a plant, buds, and unfolded flowers. The seed can not fulfill its ...
January 23, 2020
Walk Humbly with God
Splendor and Majesty – Town & Snodgrass Trail
Larkspur wildflowers appeared as if they were dancing as a group. Lupine-covered meadows were a glimpse of what might be meant by hillsides breaking forth ...
January 17, 2020