Broad-tailed hummingbird on nest

Building a Home For God’s Glory

God made trees (third day of creation) and birds (fifth day, Genesis 1) with the instinct to build nests in the trees (Psalm 104:17). The nests protect the next generation from predators and direct sunlight. A Broad-tailed Hummingbird was building a nest in our Red Choke Cherry tree (click on the link to learn about its migration from the highlands in Mexico). My wife Lida saw it collecting dirt/mud from the ground. It also included soft dog hair (thanks to our daughter Gloria who brushes her dog), bits of decaying leaf material and fluffy False-Salsify seeds. The tiny bird carries little bits of these materials at a time so hundreds of trips are needed to build good home.

According to the Creator’s plan, the nest fits eggs and the mother and is secure through windy days and well insulated to protect against cool nights (mostly around 52oF this time of the year at 1612 ft. elevation). It is a blessing to host this beautiful bird on our property, “a jewel of high mountain meadows.” Praise God for He is good.

God made us able to build a good home to raise up the next generation. An important building material is His word. Let us return to the word thousands of times to build the best home for His glory in the power of the Holy Spirit and Jesus who dwells in us.

“Whoever despises the word brings destruction on himself, but he who reveres the commandment will be rewarded.” Proverbs 13:13

Broad-Tailed Hummingbird build nest in tree as God planned, Psalm 104:17.




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