Creation appears like a great choir and orchestra
The LORD invites us to seek Him while He is near so we can go out in joy and peace while mountains sing and trees clap. In the metaphor, mountains and trees are like a great choir and orchestra performing Handel’s Messiah. “Hallelujah! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. The Kingdom of this world is become the Kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ: and He shall reign for ever and ever. King of kings, Lord of lords.”
Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near …
For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands …
it shall make a name for the LORD, an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.
Isaiah 55:6, 12-13
Creation makes a name for the LORD among those that seek Him
What I gained from Isaiah is that the Holy Spirit uses the creation to make a name for the LORD to those (even nations) who seek Him in Scripture and call upon Him in prayer. The result is joy and peace among the people of God and a restoring influence on mountains and trees that were adversely affected by man’s sin. These events are everlasting signs that Jesus reigns as Savior. So as we seek God, we can be encouraged by seeing the CreationSpeech that is poured out day to day (Psalm 19:2).
God's is speaking
I had the privilege of hiking with two young men and my wife in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado this fall in three occasions. A college student, Peter He came with me to hike the Jim Creek Trail East of the Winter Park ski area (September 25th). On my way to pick up Peter, God showed me Pronghorns and magnificent Mule deer. I was encouraged that God would reveal to me His majesty and presence as an encouragement.
Encouraging one another in the faith
Peter He was in town for a Shepherd’s conference as part of His Biblical training before returning to China to minister. We were delighted to see the splendor of the mountains as we encouraged one another in the faith.

God is with us
I shared a music album by Daniel Craig on my phone with Peter because it was a favorite of my son, Nathanael. He listened to it with much more interest than I expected as we hiked. Not far down the trail, we met three ladies and struck up a conversation because they recognized the ministry on Peter’s shirt. They were very touched by Peter’s life and prayed for His education and ministry with tears of thanksgiving. Peter sang along the trail about serving God. He was accompanied by the sounds of the creek and swaying trees. God is with us.

We made it to a series of roaring waterfalls and colorful scenes caused by the rocks underneath the clear water.
Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy
Psalm 98:8
My wife, Lida was helping me to scope out other areas that might be good to hike. One of them was called the Abyss Lake trail in the Mount Evans Wilderness area. Lida suggested I go early in the morning September 28th, before a storm was that was expected that would last for a few days. The timing in God’s providence was perfect to see His display of trees clap in splendor. As predicted, thunder and rain came as I returned to the car. The mighty God is great! Call upon Him while He is near.

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2
A young man, Terrance Zhou, who goes by Ming, requested to go on a hike with me in the mountains. We left in the afternoon of October 4th and were hiking the Abyss Lake Trail at 4:30 PM. The late arrival was a blessing because there was a great traffic jam going to the other direction on Geneva road to Grant that we did not experience when we left in the evening. Ming took an opportunity to reflect on God’s goodness in a prayer along a stream. We went off the trail through the tall aspens with thanksgiving that we can know the Creator-God, who made trees clap and mountains sing as He leads us forward with peace and joy.
The lower elevations of the mountains turn color a few weeks later, so my wife Lida and I decided to explore Staunton State Park on October 11th. We were thrilled to see trees clap, and birds sing in glory beyond our expectations. God is good!
The living King is active. He has transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son.
A purpose of CreationSpeech is to extol God. Creation causes us to declare God’s greatness (Psalm 145:5-6). This is seen as trees make a name for Him causing us to renew our minds with a high view of His glory. It is a blessing when we see that Jesus is putting all of His enemies under His feet (1 Corinthians 15:25). He is the Savior sitting on the throne and is restoring all things that have been cursed because of man’s sin (Acts 3:21). The mountain’s singing and trees clapping in the field are signs of the living King’s actions. We each have a role in His kingdom according to the gifts we are given. Give thanks to God.
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Colossians 1:13

“Beautiful. Amen. Let those who have ears to hear, let him hear.”