I am encouraged to remember the abundance of God’s steadfast love.
We have sinned and deserve judgement. Yet, in steadfast love and mercy, God saves His people. Here is the reason:
for his name’s sake, that He might make known his mighty power
Psalm 106:8
This truth inspires me to meditate on God’s acts in the abundance of His love. Then make it known as He purposed for His name’s sake.
I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands
Psalm 143:8
I recalled the abundance God’s steadfast love as I sought to know His greatness, hiking in the mountains. In 2018, Lida and I started to hike the Scarp’s Ridge trail on the last day of our participation in the Crested Butte Wildflower festival. The trail was steep. We enjoyed a grand view together. It is the work of God’s hands, making His power known.

I headed further ahead of Lida, so she could go at a slower pace. I was drawn to a ravine to get a picture of a Pine Grosbeak. There I slipped causing my camera lens to hit a rock and cease to work. Further, on a high ridge, there were several alpine butterflies. It was hard to get a good picture with my cell phone. Here I share a photo of a Colorado Alpine, with unusually large dots on the lower wings compared to specimens I saw in Wyoming . God, in the abundance of His steadfast love, knows how to make me want to return.

A little further and I could see the colorful mountain range beyond the Robinson Basin. Breathtaking!

It was still a long way up to Scarp Ridge. Content for the time, I headed back down, and joined Lida for the trip home. In His steadfast love, God let me see enough of His wonders to draw me to return the next year for His name sake.
The festival in 2019 was very different because of the large amounts of snow that remained in July. We took two cars, and after a couple great days together, Lida headed home. The organized hike to Scarp Ridge was cancelled. A man who had just explored the trail showed me pictures of snow and did not encourage me to go. Here a couple photos I took later that represents what he shared with me.

Still feeling called to go, I decided to head up that way anyway. I knew Irwin Lake campground was near the trail. At least it would be a possible place where I could park our Ford Expedition to sleep (bed was set up in the back). I was glad that God had given me a desire to see His glory there.

There were still a few more hours of daylight, so I drove up the four wheel drive road to the trailhead and started up the trail. The snow did not cover all the ground. The hillside was rich with creation pouting out speech of God’s creativity, beauty, and power.

Give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136:2
I made it to a large snow field and noted that I could probably walk on it in the morning when it is cold. On the way down I was blessed to see a pair of Spruce Grouse venturing out from the woods along the snow. Maybe they were going to feast on stinkbugs trapped in the snow field (maybe during an avalanche). The first time I have seen this bird. God is good.

So richly blessed by the abundance of God’s steadfast love. This was only a scouting adventure before the hike to the top the next day.
I was discouraged on the way down by old injury in my right foot. It was becoming very painful and I used a stick to help me walk. I was thinking that the hike planned for the next day would be abandoned. The adventure continues in the next post.

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