Focus on God Every Day
I am reminding myself at this time, that every day can have the same focus and blessings as my hikes in the wilderness with God where there are no distractions. I look forward to hikes with God, anticipating that He will show me insights about Him. He is faithful, and I enjoy sharing His splendor with you.
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13
God is making it easier to apply the wilderness training right now by removing the clutter in our lives. He is calling us to focus on Him, be faithful with what He gave us, meditate on His works, and proclaim His greatness. Let us encourage one another to do it!
For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ
Philippians 3:8

God Leads Us According to the Desires That He Gives Us
For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
Philippians 2:13
Here is an example of my everyday walk with God. In January, God put on my heart to encourage more people in the community to know God by managing meadows and planting gardens. There was a great wilderness of possibilities. God gives the insights and reveals the paths by His grace.

Be faithful with what God gave us
I prayed to God for guidance. Within days, I received a phone call from a leader of the local Ag Alliance group. To her delight, I shared that I wanted to help her bless the community. She suggested that I start by preparing a post in their Facebook-group page. I reflected on God’s leading and decided to share with the group some pictures of a new squash variety that resulted from my seed-saving practice in the garden. Every day God is available to answer prayers with insights about what He has already given us.

God Multiplies His Glory Through Us
I really had not appreciated the significance of how God blessed my efforts until this opportunity was put before me. One person responded to the Facebook post to encourage me to talk to Greg Peterson of the Urban Farm U in Arizona. During an online Seed Savers class the next week, Greg asked if he could interview me as a “backyard rock star” on his podcast. God blessed me with enthusiasm, and I counseled the listeners to know Jesus. The interview will air in May. I can say that the experience walking with God was a lot like hiking with God. He gives me the desires of my heart and shows me what I can do for His glory when my focus is on Him. Let us encourage one another to call out to God every day. He knows all things and loves us.
Give our time to God, throw off all that hinders
The adventure continued. God opened my eyes to an invitation to join Noah Sander’s “Redeeming the dirt Academy.” Noah asked his followers, what keeps you from gardening? “A lack of time” was the predominate answer. In response, Noah taught the group to give their time to God. Know God and throw off all that hinders. He gives us all that we need every day.
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
2 Peter 1:3
A month later in God’s providence, we all have more time as we are confined to our properties during the virus pandemic. So, this is an especially good time to steward the land for God’s glory. Throw off every weight and sin and run with endurance the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1). We are created in Christ Jesus to do good-works which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10). Praise God, the king of creation.

God is Our Strength, Guide and Protection
Hiking through unknown territory by faith in God was exemplified by Christian men in history. Daniel Boone and Jedediah Smith traveled far through the wilderness by God’s grace. I think of these men and other explorers on my hikes when my faith was tested. For example, an enormous snow cornice blocked a more open route back to the truck, leaving me to take a longer route, and bushwhack down a mountain-side forest for two hours in the dark, trusting God. Collectively in various hikes, I was struck by how small and fragile I was among roaring waters, grand thunderstorms, dangerous cliffs, avalanches, mountain lions, poisonous plants, and unknown dangers. However, the Lord my Shepherd, led me in the path of righteousness, even as I walked in the shadow of death (Psalm 23). These experiences are good training for my walk with God every day.

God is faithful
Goodness and mercy followed me as I hiked with God. He gave me confidence and hope knowing that in-Christ, I will dwell in His house forever. In the strength of the Lord, I endured more and saw more, than I thought was possible.
Amazing grace also happens at home, in the church, and the community as we walk with God. Let us do it! The impossible is possible with God.

God rewards those who acknowledge Him with goodness and mercy. I was telling you how I sought to encourage people to know God better by planting gardens. Recently, God encouraged me with news that my son, Thomas, created a garden in Missouri. I was so surprised, because the last time I asked him to help me in the garden in Colorado he seemed surprised by how messy it was getting his hands in the dirt. We cannot predict how the Holy Spirit will move to produce fruit from our work. Let us be encouraged to trust in God; pray, wait and hope every day. Anticipate to be amazed at what He will do. He is faithful.

Your thoughts on Hebrews 12:1 and using the time God graciously gives us makes me think about Luke 10:38-42 41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, [boy does this describe us today] 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” What an opportunity to sit and learn at Jesus feet! But many times we (I) squander away those times that God gives us to “sit at his feet”. He ” He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters” but will I in drink in of Christ? Interesting… “He makes me”… That our Lord disciplines, not just to “correct us” but to humble us for the purpose of making our hearts and minds ready to take in what really refreshes and satisfies our souls – Him. Thanks again for the encouraging pics of God’s love expressed in creation!