Splendor and Majesty are aspects of God’s divine nature and are revealed in His creation. The things God made are compromised by the curse resulting from man’s sin, but creation still reveals His glory and power, the more so as Jesus restores all things. So let us be encouraged to plant gardens and hike in the wilderness and go to botanical gardens and the zoo. See hints of God’s greatness and meditate on His everyday speech. The experiences and study of living things can help us to grasp the truth of God’s Word and live with joy and peace in believing.
Lida and I hiked in the Crested Butte area of Colorado during the Wildflower festival. The people in the town maintain colorful homes, shops and gardens. This seems right. Made in the image of God, people are to be caretakers of the land and reflect their Maker in their creative works. When our roles are lived out in Christ, they are attractive. Stewarding the land to display God’s splendor gives God glory and also blesses us with joy, peace and righteousness.
Lida heading for breakfast at McGill’s -

We went on an organized hike on the Snodgrass trail in Crested Butte, CO.

Larkspur wildflowers filled meadows with splendor in color and form, as if they were dancing as a group.

I also saw this impression previously with a group of Columbine flowers. As sinners saved by God’s grace, we should join in the dance!

O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol; you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit … You have turned for me my mourning into dancing
Psalm 30:3, 11a
Wild Lupine flowers brightened the fields and sunlit areas of the woods, standing tall with blue, white, purple and green colors.
The LORD reigns! … let the field exult, and everything in it!
Psalm 96:10a, 12a

The mature woodland with meadows within, was a sanctuary for deer. They moved gracefully along a path, not making a sound. The God of Splendor and Majesty made such a scene. It is a comfort to know such a God.

The woods also had patches of Arnica. The group of yellow wildflowers burst with splendor where light shines through the forest canopy.

We brought two cars to Crested Butte so I could stay a couple days longer than Lida. I was able to do another part of the Snodgrass trail and saw more Lupine covering the high meadows. The scenes were a glimpse of what might be meant by hillsides breaking forth in singing.

For you shall go out with joy, And shall be led forth with peace; The mountains and the hills before you will break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12

The meadows were full of life. I especially liked the Green-tailed Towhee – “a deep olive lightening to yellow-green on the edges of the wings and tail. Set off by a gray chest, white throat, and rufous crown.” In other words: splendor and majesty. Ascribe to the Lord glory!
Immature Red-Tailed hawk soured over us with curiosity -
White-Crowned sparrow keeping the insect larva and grasshopper populations in check -
Green-tailed Towhee with a rufous-colored crown -
Hummingbird on Larkspur – Wow!

WOW Neal! I did not get a very restful night sleep but was revived this morning upon reading your email and viewing the photos! I have been wanting to visit Crested Butte for the Festival ever since we moved here almost 4 year ago! We put it on our calendar for this year, God willing! Thanks again for reminding us of God’s glory all around us!
Lisa, It is satisfying to know that the post help you to revive. God is good. I have more adventures to share from Crested Butte in the next posts, God-willing.