Grandma, Ruby Clay (deceased at 100 years old) shared a birth date and love for God and His creation.

Hope you enjoy her verse and handmade cards on the occasion of my 60th birthday, January 25, 2019.

Grandma’s letter (1987) shared,
“the card you receive was created with you in mind (wildlife lover) that you are. And the first loon I ever heard was at Presque Isle when we were all there one time on vacation. It was fun, even tho’ it did rain hard. I was frightened because the call of the loon was not familiar to me, and I thought only ill of it. Later I realized how interesting it is, and now is one of my favorites.
The art work, indeed has much to be desired, but maybe you’ll get the idea. The verse was composed while I painted the cover … and the loon is a cut from some fabric a friend brought to me. From the scraps, I made a set of wildlife cards, and really enjoyed them … they still have verses to be added. …
For now, we send our LOVE
Write when you have a minute!
Grandma and Grandpa”
Grandma often included dried plants in her artwork. This card (1987) seemed to feature dill weed, fern leaves, and some other interesting plant.

How special to receive cards that are hand-painted:

This photo shows the inside of the card:

The next card makes me think of the following verse:
“All the earth worships you and sings praise to you; they sing praises to your name.” Psalm 66:4

I believe the first person to show me a magazine that acknowledged God as Creator (Creation Magazine) was Grandma Ruby. I loved to look through the photos. The following card has some textured white material to add snow.

We shared a love for butterflies. This was a unique card where the paper butterflies slide through a slit in the front cover. I took these two pictures in different lighting so the colors of the outside and inside of the card did not come out the same.

Grandma refers to recycling of an Aniversay card to make this card.

Grandma Ruby understood that Jesus and creation are special gifts to appreciate.

Grandma’s love for the things of God was a good witness to me. In the photo below you can see that she wrote on the side of the paper that this hymn was one of her favorites. I like the words:
“Sing the praises of the Lord, for he has done great things, and this is known through out the world.” Isaiah 12:5

Grandma Ruby illustrated how to appreciate God’s creation – plants and butterflies express joy.

Thanks for sharing! It brought back many memories of mom and her art, and love of family, and devotion to the Lord.
Wow! What a blessing to have a Grandma like that! Thank you for blessing us with this post.
Happy to share the blessing of multi-generational love for the Lord. Appreciate your comment.
Oh, Neal, what a treasure you had in your grandma Ruby! A gift from God! A multi-generational love for the Lord is much to be desired, prayed for and intentionally pursued! Thank you for sharing!
I am glad you enjoy with me the multi-generational love for the Lord.