I delight in the works of God in creation. It is a privilege to study the things God made.
“Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them.” Psalm 111:2
Throughout my childhood, I could walk to a field and forest without money to delight in God’s works. Praise God that we do not need to pay for an exclusive membership to have access to what He has made and done.
“Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money,” Isaiah 55:1
Even food that we delight is only a metaphor for the satisfaction that we have in the Lord.
“Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David.” Isaiah 55:2-3
Sometimes we can be lulled into thinking that an iPhone is the source of satisfaction because it links us to friends and their pictures. However, the Lord is the source of life, steadfast love, our friends, and all that we enjoy including the iPhone. Phillip Telfer, the founder of media talk 101, advises to “Make sure that your trajectory in life is always towards the Lord. Move closer to Him in your heart and in your actions.” Study His great works in creation and His word.
Let us see the miracles of God that he puts right in front of us as we journey. My son Thomas and I planned a great hike of endurance covering a total of 16 miles and 4,000 feet in elevation change on our family vacation in Wyoming. A destination was a lake surrounded on one side by magnificent rock cliffs. The immense size of these rocks is a message from God. When I study His word and see that God is reminding us of how solid our salvation is in the Lord.
“For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.” Psalm 62:1-2

We caught some beautiful brook trout in the lake during our 30 minute stop and then headed back so we could meet our ride to our room (Top of the World Resort) before it got dark. I am glad we brought our fishing gear so we could see God’s artwork in His creation of this fish. Glory to God.

I quickly snapped photos along the way back and am still appreciating what we saw as I study my pictures at home.
The Mariposa Copper butterfly featured at the top of this post lives in a limited range in the northwest U.S. It was interesting to notice in my research that other photographers captured shots of this butterfly on the same type of flower (Pearly Everlasting) in Washington State and Montana. That was the only Pearly Everlasting plant we saw on our hike and there was the Mariposa Copper butterfly.
An apparently rare Fritillary butterfly was captured among a colorful collection of arctic plants that I hardly noticed at the time.
I studied to see what I could find about the butterfly. Two species were similar, the Polar Fritillary and the Dingy Fritillary (there is a dot on the map where I saw the butterfly). The Polar Fritillary has some white on the tips of the upper wing and the dark patch around the body. The Dingy Fritillary has green hairs on the body and long sections in the lower wings. Neither matches. Maybe it is a hybrid. I sought help from Dr. Paul Opler, and he sent it for possible inclusion in a publication of the Lepidopterists’ Society. I joined the group and look forward to seeing what might come from this discovery.
Fortunately, I looked down at one point and noticed this pair of Arctic Fritillary butterflies mating. I became familiar with this species before after studying them on Pikes Peak and Cottonwood pass in Colorado.

I learned more about the Rocky Mountian Parnessian butterfly. A butterfly I spotted was different than the Parnessian individuals I had seen before. After I had a chance to do some research, I learned that I mostly saw males before, and this time I also saw a female. Pictures of a male and female from this hike were combined into one below for comparison. A general observation of God’s creatures is that God made male and female related, different, and both essential. Only the Creator-God can make that happen.

A lesson is that we benefit by having eyes ready to see God’s great works that are always before us while we seek a designation further ahead. Dear God, help us to live with eyes that see your actions and praise you with thanksgiving. Your grace fills our lives with pleasures forevermore. In Jesus name, Amen.
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11
In my studies I learned that God provided for the caterpillars of many of the species on the Plateau (under three feet of snow right now) with the ability to hibernate, sometimes over two winters because of the short periods when they can eat. The caterpillars are a great illustration of patience and hope. The Rocky Mountain Parnassian larva feeds on stonecrop (in bloom below).

Again you words and pictures are a great start to my day.