As With Joy At the Harvest

I experience much joy and thanksgiving to God in the garden, especially this week when size and beauty the carrots were exposed. Here is a platter of carrot slices from one yellow carrot. I cut the slices some more and added them to a vegetable soup where red and green colors came from Swiss Chard stems and greens.

Yellow Carrot Slices, October 11, 2017, Elizabeth, CO

Swiss Chard, Sept 4, 2017, Elizabeth, CO

Rejoicing before the LORD at the harvest hints at what it is like to emerge from the darkness to see a great light, Jesus our Savior.

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light … they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest … For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be call Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end. Isaiah 9:2-3, 6-7a

We rejoice before God because we depend on God. He is the source of our harvest and life through faith in Jesus. Also note that there will be no end to the increase of Jesus’ government and peace! May we be used by Him to build his kingdom.

More unexpected delights from the garden:

We are harvesting strawberries in October!

Strawberry harvest, Oct 5, 2017, Elizabeth, CO

We were also surprised to still find snow peas on plants that were started in March, suggesting that a cool summer enabled the plants to survive. Not great weather for squash, yet we still harvested fifty pumpkins and 20 Turban squash. Here is how one of the Turban squash changed color from September 2 to October 2. These squash store well over the winter supplying food into the new year.

Turban Squash, Sept 2, 2017, Elizabeth, CO

Turban Squash, October 2, 2017, Elizabeth, CO

A snowstorm came through early this week making the experience all the more dramatic and fascinating. We cut stems from raspberry plants and put them in a pail of water to allow the berries to ripen inside the house. It worked, providing a treat now and then. Here is a picture showing the berries developing and ripened and what is left after picking. What a process, structure, color, and taste! Who could make such a plant but the Mighty God, creator of all things?

Raspberries on plant, Aug 25, 2017, Elizabeth, CO

I thought that the tiny lettuce plants emerging all over the garden (from letting the lettuce go to seed) would die in the cold weather (low of 21 F). But the plants did well and may thrive now from the moisture. It is all a gift – I am tending God’s garden.

Lettuce, October 11, 2017, Elizabeth, CO

The day before the storm we harvesting the last of the purple string beans (those plants did not survive). Here is a close-up view so you can see the way each bean connects with the plant. A garden helps us to appreciate the miracle of vegetables. God is great.

Purple String beans, Aug 24, 2017, Elizabeth, CO

The family likes eating quinoa. Here is what the grain looks like from last years crop and a plant that came up on its own which I will use to provide seed for next year. Our area is exceptionally well suited for this cool-weather plant. The quinoa plant is beautiful, reflecting the glorious nature of the Creator.

Quinoa seeds, Elizabeth, CO

Black Quinoa, October 2, 2017, Elizabeth, Colorado

Getting the sense of the joy of the harvest before the Lord? Tell the next generation of his glory and enjoy Him forever.

Carrot harvest October 11, 2017, Isaiah 9, Elizabeth, CO




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