Melissa Blue Butterfly on Rocky Mountain Bee Flower

Native Plants and Butterflies Express the Joy of the LORD

Plant seeds of native plants and see wonders of an ecosystem filled with abundant life, a picture of joy. This living display of rejoicing refreshes us because the fields express the joy and peace of God.

“For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; the mountains and hills shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:12

A goal is to create the scene at home. This plan works well as an ongoing project, not attempting to do all the transformation at once.

A Melissa Blue butterfly is shown on the flowers of Rocky Mountain Bee Plants. I love taking photos of butterflies in their natural surroundings. The scenes are full of complex mixtures of colors combined with brightness, shading and shadows. The butterfly is the smallest and most beautiful butterfly on our property (Elizabeth, Colorado) and is featured on the front cover of my book. I look forward to confirming the host plants used by the Melissa Blue caterpillars in our meadow this summer.

Jesus is in the business of restoring the earth. Let Him work in us to bring life to the land so we can sing praises along with the land, to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ because of His grace. “According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading.” 1 Peter 1:3a

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